Monday, June 1, 2015

Alors Ici

So here's a confession:
We started this blog even though separation is imminent between us and despite the fact that we aren't professionals.
We are exactly average, but we love hair and makeup.  And we believe in the free spirited ways of the bohemian lifestyle.
So here I am to introduce to you: The Bo and the Ho.
She's the Bo.
I know what you must be thinking about me, 'The Ho,' but trust me, honey.  When I say it isn't like that, it isn't like that.  Plus, that isn't even how you spell hoe.  But this is all besides the point.
The point is we are different, but when we are fitted together, like puzzle pieces from opposite ends of the world; we are exactly what the other needs.
Boho.  Bohemian. 
I just want to live a life like in the Notebook: "If you're a bird, I'm a bird."  And no, we aren't lesbians.  But the point isn't that we are together, and together creating a blog, it is that we are free.  And nothing about the world or its views on beauty can escape that thought from our heads. 
So here's to new adventures, and a new blog we hope that you'll love. 
Lovely Always,
The Ho
P.S--Let's get this party started.  Ha.


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